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Artwork description

mr. joos
Painting, Human figure, Mixed technique, Paper, 100x68x05cm, 2014
Ali Zülfikar, born in 1970 in Turkey, studied at the Firat University. When we look at his pictures, the first thought is: A masterpiece. About 140 international exhibitions worldwide as well as numerous films about his life and his art are already known to us. Zülfikars works now decorate the Contemporary Art Fair in Paris Cutlog 2013. There are portraits full of power and strength which are held in black and white tones. Zülfikar treats their structures with a special essence that is used in movement of natural kilim dye. With this type of design he makes the image surfaces cracked.
The contours are breaking and it creates fissures and gorges. Those effectsrealise in his portraits the faces of older people: A true viewing experience! Zülfikar provides credible the age rings of human life on display and demonstrates an aesthetic of mature existence: Graceful faces that proudly represent their scars and wounds and radiate wisdom.

A second issue is that Zülfikar is fascinated by trees. His formation of the branches, processed with the same cracks, provide a special magic here. A blood-red resinous tribe, whose bark is torn and worn, bears the title \"A part of me\". The traces of color are like the colors of a storm, a force of nature that pulls us over.
A poetry in pictures with the feeling that the life force of the tree is inseparably connected with us. The symbiosis between humans and the world of plants describes his oeuvre. All his work is dedicated to the experience of existence. Older men and women are similar to tall trees that may show their age rings with majesty. The most outstanding portrait of an old woman seems to be one thing with a golden curtain, which acts as the background of the image.

Artist information

Ali Zülfikar, born in 1970 in Turkey, studied at the Firat University. When we look at his pictures, the first thought is: A masterpiece. About 140 international exhibitions worldwide as well as numerous films about his life and his art are already known to us. Zülfikars works now decorate the Contemporary Art Fair in Paris Cutlog 2013. There are portraits full of power and strength which are held in black and white tones. Zülfikar treats their structures with a special essence that is used

See more information about Ali Zülfikar

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