Tres fachadas de comercios de principios del siglo XX que aun conservan su fisonomía en la calle de los Tres Peces en Madrid. Al artista le llamó la atención encontrar tres fachadas seguidas de comercios históricos en una calle de Madrid y decidió perpetuarlas en su lienzo. Sobre todo la imprenta Brismar con su impresionante puerta de madera y su herrajes tan llamativos.
Tomas Castaño was born in Santander (Spain) in 1953. From a young age shows a special inclination towards drawing, but until the age of 17 years he does not take the first brushes and start painting. Self-taught, Tomas carved himself, based on determination and enthusiasm. He has a realistic style, his paintings are very well drawn and he also worries for the composition and perspective of his works. He is a landscape artist but characterized by his architectural work.
His work is
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