Photo of Francisco Toledo United States

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Francisco Toledo (Juchitn, Oaxaca, 1940) Polifactico Mexican artist, considered the most prominent of the country, who has worked with color watercolor, read, gouache and fresh, but also n the lithographs, engravings, the design of tapestries, ceramics or sculpture in stone, wood and wax, always looking for ways to renew and technicians. Man committed to his origins indgenas, is one of the promoters maximums defense artistic heritage of the state of Oaxaca. From just your thumb Francisco Toledo...
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34.25 x 29.53 in

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Photo of Francisco Toledo United States

Francisco Toledo (Juchitn, Oaxaca, 1940) Polifactico Mexican artist, considered the most prominent of the country, who has worked with color watercolor, read, gouache and fresh, but also n the lithographs, engravings, the design of tapestries, ceramics or sculpture in stone, wood and wax, always looking for ways to renew and technicians. Man committed to his origins indgenas, is one of the promoters maximums defense artistic heritage of the state of Oaxaca. From just your thumb Francisco Toledo demostruna knack for drawing, and his father early alentesa trend colors give way to the walls of the house. Benjamín his grandfather, a shoemaker from the village of Ixtepec, multiplicsu imagination with departures countryside in search of plant resin, pearl of folk tales in which fantastic creatures mingled with all kinds of animals and legendary figures. Francisco Toledo At eleven years to be installed the colonial city of Oaxaca, to attend high school. But he came in Mexico City to take classes at the printmaking workshop of the School of Design and Craft, with the experience of having made his first etchings in the workshop Oaxacan Arturo Garc Bustos. With only nineteen years, exhibited his work in Mexico and in Fort Worth (Texas). The great contrast and rich mixture was produced between 1960 and 1965, when Toledo vivibecado in Paris to study and work in the printmaking workshop of Stanley Hayter. After three years of being in Europe presentsu first show in a Parisian gallery, a year later exhibited in Toulouse, but also in the Tate Gallery in London, written catalog Henry Miller, and New York. In France was recognized at once as a singular artist, especially welcomed as escribiAndrPierre of Mandiargues in 1964 for his development of the mythical and sacred meaning of life. Return Mexico with a refined pictorial technique that does not stop enriching, Ascom ideas with the influence of plastic artists from different European schools, such as Albrecht Durer, Paul Klee and Marc Chagall. Although in reality, his greatest influence came from the codices that collected pre-Hispanic symbols: with all its forms rabidly contemporneas, serun tlacuilo artist, a famous painter of modern and codices, and chamn willing to purify the spirit to return the joy to the body. Since then feverishly works to create and multiply exhibitions in New York to Tokyo, from Oslo to Buenos Aires, and always in Oaxaca. However, critics believe has never been concerned to promote their work, and much of it goes directly into the hands of collectors who acquire it in advance. Not surprisingly, in October 2004 presentsu first exhibition in ten years, recent paintings by Francisco Toledo, in the Latin American Masters of Beverly Hills, California.

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Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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