
José Luis Herrero later began to pursue art professionally (41 years) and died too soon (71 years), but in these 30 years made a considerable number of works, about 2,800. It opened 61 exhibitions.It was widely criticized in newspaper articles (more than 150).2 works hangs in the Museum of the Ways of Astorga. It has 5 works in the Pinacoteca of the County of Leon. Several works in the Embassy of Ireland and the United States. In Avila,(Spain)José Luis Herrero was born the 2nd of September 1923. He is the son of an industrialist, Don José Herrero who runs a tailor shop. His mother was Doña Matilde teacher at the School.
Pepe (called him a child, and even more), went to school in El Corralón and say he was a good student. With 10 years as School starts always liked it combines scribble attending the School of Arts and Crafts, which has as a professor of artistic drawing José Antonio Alberti and D.Antonio Veredas in Industrial, Architectural and Topographic. In 1939 he received the Award for Artistic Drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. In 1941 obtained the Spanish Union of Avila University (SEU) First Prize in the section drawing pen and pencil, a member of the jury and Director of Fine Arts painter Eduardo Chicharro. In 1942 approves the official opposition to the National Insurance Institute, where he worked until 1978. Run to Madrid to meet with 3 years of military service, serving in the Army Ministry doing work as Head of Workshop on Topographic Brigade Staff. Simultaneously draws for Telefónica chief architect in the building of the Avenue of José Antonio, today Gran Vía.
In 1948 he was appointed by the National Institute for Media Education \"Assistant Practical lessons\" for the subjects of drawing and modeling. Besides working in the mornings as Civil Servant in the evenings working as a draftsman in several studies of architects and engineers in the Forest District and Electra Abulense. Projects Architects Javier Sada as the fifth or José María de la Vega Samper will occupy many of his nights.
Apart from engaging in the technical drawing, art continues to draw others of which are several examples topics.
But in 1963 José Luis suffered a motorcycle accident that kept him in bed for over a year and lets you wake a limp always took very bad liking, but that did not stop him go outside to outside Spain and half of Europe. During his convalescence is distracted by drawing all day and this is where he really start that creative vein and will not paint a single day. Encouraged by family, colleagues and friends decide to make the first exhibition of his work. This exhibition opens on 18 November 1965 at the House of Culture of Avila with 42 drawings Flomaster. Given the success of critics and sales, continues to draw and exposing. Exhibitions will follow this first stage of their flomaster in Madrid (5), Segovia, Arévalo, Astorga (3), Leon, Bilbao, Ondarroa, Vitoria, Oviedo, Salamanca (3), Plasencia, Guadalajara, Granada and 4 times more Avila. Receive 1966 Silver Medal in the National Drawing Competition of the National Federation of Enterprise Groups National Welfare Institute with flomaster the Ermita de las Vacas de Ávila. That same year it was acquired by the \"Museum of the Ways\" Astorga the play \"El Crucero and Teleno\". Named in 1967 \"Popular\" by Hogar de Ávila in Madrid.
Abandon the operation of the poultry farm and out into the world of art. The premises were formerly the coops will gradually reconverted in his studio, frame workshop, exhibition hall and several stores. Make this time works to flomaster large, responsible for decorating restaurants, law offices and institutions. We can still see a clear example in the Restaurant Bar Mangas at Avila capital where two great works of the late 60s are preserved. In 1970, after exposure in the home in Madrid Avila, the producer of RTVE Romano Villalba gives him the \"Key to the House of Martinez\" and the artist donated to the program of his works. Once again, in 1971 and in the National Exhibition of Painting Competition Group Leisure Education and the National Insurance Institute Accesit and get a Bronze Medal. Also in 1972, the same gets Bronze Medal Contest Drawing. Always had a local theme in their presentations, to prepare months before traveling, seeking nooks and vistas, and took notes when the flomaster a rapid technique. Almost always accompanied him on his travels in his Seat 1500 his wife and often small children and his inseparable camera, a Yashica Mat with 6x6 slides firing. This made to compile a photographic archive of high quality of virtually the entire peninsula during the 60, 70, 80 and 90. Not known for both their Herrero photographic art, but the photos were the cover of \"Optics Gazette\" from 1973 to 1982. Monthly magazine of the Official Publication of the College of Opticians, that covers more than 100 topics and monumental Spanish landscape. They were also published in Portugal Photo reports commissioned by the magazine \"Travel & Living\" under the Ministry of Tourism. He was very fond of photographers or Encinar Juan Francisco Antonio Mayoral. In 1973 obtained the 2nd prize in the National Competition of Major Squares with a painting of the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca. The explanatory Ávila 1975 Oil began to exhibit alongside more elaborate flomaster starts a second time it is surpassing the number of musical color to the line. Get the Third Prize National Contest \"Castles of Spain\" with a flomaster Ponferrada Castle in 1976.
In 1979 begins to show drawings in ink, an ancient technique obsolete, recalling ancient engravings and illustrations. Works great skill and dedication. On the same date begins to present works with pastels. In this second phase (1976-1987) we recorded 10 exposures in Avila, 3 in Madrid, and in Albarracin, Sitges, Zamora and another in Zafra, with large crowds and critical acclaim and sales Also receives commissions from official bodies such as municipalities and councils to develop Diplomas Personalities. These performed them on parchment with Gothic letters labeled in ink, with elaborate borders and shields and color ink on a background used to be a flomaster with a view of the village delivering the Diploma, or corresponding Medal Award. He made dozens of them over the years.
During his career, Smith illustrated several books, especially poetry, drew up posters for various institutions and published several folders laminated and rolls his works at popular prices. As he wrote in 1989 Antonio Carrera ... / ... He was the most prolific, and allowed to be copied. And it became decorative customs and particular tastes of Avila. He managed to almost all houses Avila will throw away those boring and monotonous schedules to make way for the Magic line hanging a picture of José Luis Herrero ... / ... In 1986 the Savings Bank of Ávila, for various locations in the province where your Social Work was inaugurated Exhibition Hall, organizes a traveling exhibition of Herrero. Still, the artist shows works with local issue in each of these rooms so that all samples are different. Thus exposed in Arevalo, Crespos, Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Fontiveros and Flores de Avila. That same year saw the success of the shows, other neighboring towns of Moraña, even without being in the province councils and halls and cultural centers, presenting the painter to exhibit his works in Peñaranda de Bracamonte, Macotera and Cantaracillo.
Remodeling his study within the estate and passes on a long time, another local I intended to Permanent Exhibition Hall, which is a rare day that received no visits. The presentations of Ávila 1985 and 1987 also shows collections of fans, painted with various techniques, especially pen and watercolor, with great success. Since 1989 exhibitions in Ávila are increasing in colorful oils incorporated because apart from works in watercolor and flomaster number is shrinking. The 1989 exhibition of Avila marks a step change, especially recognition. A catalog of the exhibition format book with biographical collection and numerous reproductions of his works, which were published immediately runs out and you have to re-issue on several occasions. Exhibits this year also in Valladolid and 2 times in the 91 and 93 in Avila, with great success and business review. José Luis Herrero died suddenly at his home studio July 18, 1995 when surmounted his next exhibition. His widow and children decided finish the exhibition and opens this in October and this serves as a tribute to the artist by the Association of Artists of Avila and other authorities, with large turnout of attendees. In Ávila two more posthumous exhibitions were inaugurated in 1997 and 1999 by his heirs with a large audience. La Caja de Ávila also organized exhibitions with works having their funds. José Luis Herrero later began to pursue art professionally (41 years) and died too soon (71 years), but in these 30 years made a considerable number of works, about 2,800. It opened 61 exhibitions, including 10 collective, 6 with the group Artists for Cultural Action and Recreation, Ministry of Labour, traveling several provinces of the peninsula and earning several awards, 3 with the Association of Artists of Ávila and a joint Hilario Muñoz and Juan Francisco Encinar. It was widely criticized in newspaper articles (more than 150), radio and television interviews. 2 works hangs in the Museum of the Ways of Astorga. It has 5 works in the Pinacoteca of the County of Leon. Several works in the Embassy of Ireland and the United States. Works in the College of Architects of Ávila. And hundreds of works decorating the homes of many families. After the death of his widow in 2010, the legacy of his work is divided among his 4 heir children.


  • 1975

    Medalla de Bronce en Certámen Nacional

  • 1973

    Medalla de Plata en Certámen Nacional

  • 1972

    Medalla de Bronce en Dibujo en Certámen Nacional

  • 1971

    Medalla de Bronce y Accesit en Certamen Nacional

  • 1970

    Llave de la Casa de los Martínez. RTVE

  • 1967

    \"Popular\" Hogar de Ávila en Madrid

  • 1966

    Museo de los Caminos de Astorga (León)

  • 1965

    Medalla de Plata en Certámen Nacional


  • 1999

    Ávila - Sala de Arte Caja Ávila

  • 1997

    Ávila - Sala de Arte Caja Ávila

  • 1995

    Ávila - Sala de Arte Caja Ávila

  • 1993

    Ávila - Sala de Arte Caja Ávila

  • 1991

    Astorga (León) - Sala de Arte RAMA

  • 1991

    Ávila - Sala de Arte Caja Ávila

  • 1989

    Valladolid - Banco bilbao Vizcaya

  • 1989

    Ávila - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1987

    Zafra (Badajoz) - Caja de Badajoz

  • 1987

    Peñaranda (Salamanca) - Casa de la Cultura y Juventud.

  • 1987

    Ávila - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1986

    Zamora - Caja de Ahorros y M-de P. de Salamanca

  • 1986

    Flores de Ávila (Ávila) - Ayuntamiento de Flores de Ávila

  • 1986

    Cantaracillo (Salamanca) - Ayuntamiento de Cantaracillo

  • 1986

    Fontiveros (Ávila) - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1986

    Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Ávila) - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1986

    Macotera (Salamanca) -Centro Cultural Santa Ana

  • 1986

    Crespos (Ávila) - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1986

    Arévalo (Ávila) - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1985

    Ávila - Caja de Ahorros de Ávila

  • 1983

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila

  • 1982

    Ávila - Galería Falcón. (Colectiva).

  • 1981

    Albarracín (Teruel)- Instituto Nacional de la Salud. (Colectiva).

  • 1981

    Madrid - Salón de Exposiciones del INSALUD. (Colectiva).

  • 1981

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila. (Colectiva).

  • 1981

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila.

  • 1980

    - Sitges (Barcelona) Sala Ágora3 Galería d\'Art.

  • 1980

    Ávila - Caja Central de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila

  • 1979

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila

  • 1977

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila.

  • 1976

    - Madrid - Salón de Exposiciones del Instituto Nacional de Previsión (Colectiva).

  • 1976

    Madrid - Galería de Arte Ávila

  • 1976

    Astorga (León) - Obra Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros y M. de P. de Astorga.

  • 1975

    Salamanca - Caja de Ahorros y M. de P. de Salamanca

  • 1975

    - Madrid - Salón de Exposiciones del Instituto Nacional de Previsión (Colectiva).

  • 1975

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila

  • 1974

    Granada - Sala Meliá

  • 1973

    Salamanca - Palacio de la Caja de Ahorros y M. de P. de Salamanca.

  • 1972

    Ávila - Caja General de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila. (Colectiva)

  • 1972

    Ávila - Caja de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila

  • 1972

    Guadalajara - Caja de Ahorros de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja

  • 1971

    Ávila - Caja de Ahorros y Préstamos de Ávila.

  • 1971

    Plasencia (Cáceres) - Caja de Ahorros de Plasencia

  • 1970

    Salamanca - Obra Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros de Salamanca (Colectiva)

  • 1970

    Astorga (León) - Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Media

  • 1970

    - Oviedo - Obra Social y Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros de Asturias

  • 1970

    Madrid. Hogar De Ávila en Madrid

  • 1969

    Vitoria - Caja de Ahorros Municipal. Casa del Cordón

  • 1969

    Ondarroa (Vizcaya) - Casa Municipal de la Cultura

  • 1968

    Bilbao - Salón de Exposiciones de Artesanía

  • 1967

    Madrid - Salón de Exposiciones del Instituto Nacional de Previsión (Colectiva).

  • 1967

    Ávila - Servicio Municipal de Turismo

  • 1966

    - Madrid - Sala de Exposiciones de la Casa de León en Madrid

  • 1966

    León - Salón de Exposiciones Excma. Diputación de León

  • 1966

    Astorga (León) - Colegio Menor Leopoldo Panero

  • 1966

    Arévalo (Ávila) - Salones del Excmo. Ayuntamiento

  • 1966

    Segovia - Palacio de Archivos y Bibliotecas

  • 1966

    Madrid - Salón de Exposiciones del Instituto Nacional de Previsión (Colectiva).

  • 1965

    Ávila - Casa de la Cultura

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