Photo of Juan Esplandíu Spain

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(Madrid, 1901-1978) painting on espaola of that little: The two main focuses were Barcelona and Madrid. On the first Sunday OlivBusquets acted in very strict lines; JosMompou, extremely colorful, Jaime Mercado, magnificent example of the artist that the more progress toward the old is youngest in painting; Miguel Vill, concise like few others, the author of some of the most wonderful pictures of our century, a sea blue base, white walls and red roofs, the failed Ramon Rogent, author of a Red and...
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(Madrid, 1901-1978) painting on espaola of that little: The two main focuses were Barcelona and Madrid. On the first Sunday OlivBusquets acted in very strict lines; JosMompou, extremely colorful, Jaime Mercado, magnificent example of the artist that the more progress toward the old is youngest in painting; Miguel Vill, concise like few others, the author of some of the most wonderful pictures of our century, a sea blue base, white walls and red roofs, the failed Ramon Rogent, author of a Red and pink only possible in Matisse, Manuel Capdevila, which is silvery white and supports ironic situations and incisive, and many more. In the central plateau was not lower the prestige of this trend. Even the happily perseveres Gestin of his illustrious interpreters. One is B. Palencia, one hundred percent artist, painter of children, peasants, partridge and trout, caught Castillian countryside in all its aridity and its entire virginity. Another, Godofredo Ortega Munoz, from Extremadura, which does the opposite of a regional painting, despite their land constantly portrayed and his countrymen, but painting is a deep, transcendent, voluntary dry. Joaquin Vaquero, Asturias, an architect in his first profession, is another admirable chronicler of the fields and hills, helped by a surprisingly colorful opulence. A large ill-fated, R. Zabaleta, HACA a painting from fauve, wild condition, but evolucionhacia linear combinations of glass, which coordinated with campesinismo Jaen. Finally, the various guidelines adopted by Gregorio Prieto, one of them mill the whites of his region of La Mancha, can be assimilated to this group. Which also has been renovndose msjvenes generations, which made up the call one day Madrileo Young School. Even today, each has sought personal responsibility equally personal paths, composed the school, not without direct intervention of Benjamín Palencia, painters, Francisco Arias, Alvaro Delgado, Cirilo Martinez Novillo, Agustn Redondela, Menchu ??Gal, John William (d. 1968) and others. Quite apart from them, still realistic, like Greg Toledo, JosAgular, Pedro Bueno, Juan Esplandiy the excellent singer of Madrid ylrico Eduardo Vicente (1908-1968). In Catalonia, tan, realism practiced himself and Pedro Joaquin Sunyer Pruna.

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