Foto de Laura Castanedo México

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Multidisciplinary Artist

Born in México City In1967. She has lived in such city, as well as in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and Orizaba, Veracruz. Currently she lives in Tecate, Baja California.
Has ventured systematically in a diversity of disciplines: painting, sculpture, theater, performance, poetry and music.

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
Foto de Laura Castanedo México

Multidisciplinary Artist

Born in México City In1967. She has lived in such city, as well as in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and Orizaba, Veracruz. Currently she lives in Tecate, Baja California.
Has ventured systematically in a diversity of disciplines: painting, sculpture, theater, performance, poetry and music.

Web sites:

E Mail:



2005 “Canto a mi mismo” (Song of myself), Roermond, Netherlands

2004 “De fugas y temperancias” (On Fugues and Temperances), Casa de la
Cultura, Tijuana, BC

2002 “Interiores” - 3 D work - (Insides), Galería Benjamín Serrano, Tijuana,
“Para Lorca” Estimulo y fiesta (For Lorca - Stimulus and
Celebration -), Ex Monasterio del Desierto de los Leones. Cuajimalpa, DF.
“De amor y de discreción” (About Love and Discretion), Museo de la
Acuarela de Estado de México and online exhibition at

2001 “Para Lorca - Poeta en Nueva York -” (For Lorca - Poet in New
York -), Pinacoteca Diego Rivera, Xalapa, Ver. and Museo de Arte de
Orizaba, Sala Oriente del IVEC, Veracruz, Ver. and online exhibition at
“Free way / Camino libre”, with Sebastián Beltrán and Ben Guttin,
Multiforo del ICBC, Tijuana, BC.

2001-1999 “Para Lorca” (For Lorca), City Gallery , Mexicali, BC. Multiforo del
ICBC, Tijuana, BC, Galería Espacio Norte CEU, Tecate, BC and La
Esquina de Bodegas, Ensenada, BC.

1997 “Carcias II” (Caress II), State Theater, Mexicali, BC.
“En el tiempo” (In Time), Espacio Norte Gallery, CEU, Tecate, BC.
“Templos” (Temples), Tijuana Cultural Center, Tijuana, BC.

1996 “Caricias” (Caress) City Gallery, Tecate, BC

1996-1995 “Homenaje a Charles Bukowski” I, II y III (“Homage to Charles
Bukowsky” I, II and III), itinerant in the state of BC

1994-1993 “Mujeres y lunas” I y II (Women and Moons I and II), Itinerant in the state of BC


2005 “After Hiroshima: Nuclear Imaginaries”, Brunei Gallery, School of
Oriental and African Studies, London, England
“Homage to Laura Castanedo”, Jadite Galleries, New York, USA
“Arad International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Arad, Rumania
“Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005”, (- Moonstruck -)
“Ars Latina”, San Severino Marche, Italy
“Analogías de calor y línea”, Opening of Centro Estatal de las Artes,
Mexicali, BC
“Unclaimed luggage”,125th Anniversary of Círculo de Bellas Artes
of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
"Originales Solidarios", (Col.) L'Institut d'art hispanic, BCN / Galería Anagma, Madrid / Fira Int. D'Art de Catalunya, Girona (E)
Primera exposición del Proyecto Din A4 en México, (Col). (Organizado por: Laura Castanedo, Ingrid Rosas y Ernst Kraft), Galería Reina Sofía, Fundación Alzheimer, en Leon Guanajuato (Mex)

2004 “Ars Latina”, Porto Recanati, Italia
“Nueve mujeres artistas, un libro de arte” (Nine women artists, a
book of art), El Aghora, Tijuana, BC
“Exposición del Comité Internacional de la Bienal de Arad” (Arad
Biennial’s International Comitte Exhibition)
“El día de los Muertos” (The day of the dead), Scarab Club, Detroi,
“Keller Fest - Dos fuerzas -“ (Two energies), San Francisco, CA, USA
“Ventipertrenta 04”, TERRA DELL´ARTE PRIZE (For high artist profile)
“The International Biennale of Graphics - White Inter Nights -“ BIN 2004, Palacio Manech, San Petersburgo, Rusia. MEDAL OF HONOR
“Exposición itinerante de artistas mexicanos 4ª Edición de la Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Florencia 2003”, (Traveling exhibition of Mexican Artists 4th Edition of the Biennial of Contemporary Art in Florence 2003), México, DF.
“Originales solidarios”, Madrid y Barcelona, España.
“The Latin American Art Exhibition, Masters of the Imagination”, Agora Gallery, Nueva York.
“Lofting”, Cortijo Miraflores Museum, Marbella, Spain

2003 “Bienale Internazionale dell´Arte Contemporanea”, Florence, Italy.
“Figurative abstractions”, Agora Gallery, Soho, New York.
“Imagen del hechizo”, Cultural Center Sor Juana, Nepantla, Edo. de

2002 “Sol de México” (Sun of Mexico), Modern Art Museum, Cuenca,
”Magna exposición pictórica” (Great Picture Exhibition), El Paso,
“OE, Colectiva de expedicion” (Collective expedition), Online exhibition:

2001 “The American figurization”, Menache Gallery, DF and Palermo,
“La huella del caimán” (The caymans footprint) Casa de la Cultura,
Tijuana, BC.
“Los tallerista¨ (The workshopers), Espacio Norte Galley CEU, Tecate,

2000 “Ensamble con Carlos Zerpa” (Ensamble with Carlos Zerpa), City
Gallery, Tijuana, BC.
“El eterno femenino” (The eternal femenine), Casa de la Cultura,
Tijuana, BC.
“Arte-Informa” (Informing art), Frontera newspaper, Tijuana, BC.
“La plastica inedita” (The inedit plastic), 21 artists from Baja California
(Sculpture & Painting).

1999 “Reflejo: el cuerpo erótico y místico” (Reflex: The erotic and mistic
body), Casa de la Cultura, Tijuana, BC
(Retrospective workshop UABC), Cultural and Art Festival, Tecate, BC.
(Women in the arts), City Gallery, Tijuana, BC.

1998 “Colectiva Anual del Estado” (State Annual Colective), Cultural and
Arts Festival, Tecate, BC.
(Women at the border plastic), City Gallery, Tijuana, BC.

1997 “Exposición Binacional de la Plástica Fronteriza” (Binational
Exhibition of Border Plastics), Cultural and Arts Festival
In-Site 94”, Tijuana, BC.



Also in numerous private collections throughout Baja California, California, USA, Spain and Mexico City.


“II Bienal Internacional de Artes Gráficas de San Petersburgo, Rusia - White Inter Nights 2004 - “
Biennale Internazionale dell´Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy, 2003.
Honor Role Bienal Universitaria, 1994.
Selected by the Bienal Plástica de Baja California, 1993 y 1995.
Selected by the Bienal Plástica del Noroeste, 1993.


• Individual Exhbition- La Habana, Cuba
• World Calligraphy Biennale of Jeollabuk.-do
• Collective Exhibiton in Wipperfürth-Kreuzberg, Germany 2005 Sept. Internationale Ateliertagen Wipperfürth Gummersbach, Köln (D)
Web: Internationale Ateliertagen



2002 National Homage to Oscar Liera
2001 National Homage to Jesús González Dávila
1998 National Theater Sample, Tijuana, BC.
1997 National Theater Sample, Monterrey, NL.
1997 Journeys of Latin-American Theater, Puebla, Pue.


Since 1993 she joined the UABC’s theater workshop under the direction of Professor Fernando Rodríguez Rojero.

Most recent work in her acting carrier:

2003 “The king’s daughter/Apócrypha” of Luisa Josefina Hernández (the
Daughter,Esther, Judith, Susana).

Roles as a leading actress:

1996 “The clog” of Roberto Corella (Ella) – World Premier.
1995 “Caress” of Sergei Belbel (the mother) – National Premier.
1994 “Cumbia” of Hugo Salcedo (the Cuca) – World Premier.
1993 “The Letter Opener” of Victor Hugo Rascón B. (the professional).

She has also participated with the Theater Company of Ensenada, BC in the following:

2002 “The Black Birds from Goodbye” – National Homage to Óscar Liera.
“The Prisoner” of Emilio Carballido (Ma. Antonieta de la Rosa) – World
1997 “The Black Birds from Goodbye” of Oscar Liera (Isabelle.)


“When it´s Time”, Film.


She undertakes as scenery in the following plays:

“Cumbia” of Hugo Salcedo, “The forbidden children” of Jesús Gonzalez Dávila, “Ragged Bride” of Sylvia Mejía, and “Caress” of Sergi Belbel.

She designs the Props for:

“The Guardians of Time” of Virginia Hernández, “Polo Yellow Ball” of Jesús González Dávila.

She designs the Posters for:

2002 National Homage to Oscar Liera.
2001 Homage to Jesús González Dávila.
“The Cultural and Arts Festival of Tecate, BC”.
1998 “Un Tañedor y un Poeta “
“Ragged Bride” of Sylvia Mejía.
“The prisoner” of Emilio Carballido.
1993 “Cumbia” of Hugo Salcedo.

She has illustrated the publishings of:

“Sansborn´s Ligth” (Yubai 1998)
“The Guardians of Time” (Literature State Award, 1998, Magic Word,children’s theater) both from Virginia Hernández.


Along with Francisco Guerrero, she forms part of divers poetic and guitar presentations, highlighting: “Notes and Fuges for your Absence” and “Skin to the Shadow”.
Since 1995, together with guitar players Alberto Ubach, Francisco Guerrero,RobertoGonzález and tenor and guitar player Marco Antonio Labastida they conform the guitars and voices ensemble “Esplandián” one of the regions most original and representative groups.
As of 1995 she develops her personal dramatized poems along with professor Alberto Ubach, frequently performing at divers spaces throughout the state of Baja California.

She recorded 3 CDs of poetic and classic guitar along with Professor Alberto Ubach: “Para Lorca” (“For Lorca”) and “De Amor y Discreción” (“Of Love and Discretion”); poems by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and music by Santiago de Murcia, and “Platero y Yo” (“Platero and I”); poems by Juan Ramón Jimenez and music by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
In 2001 she creates the group “Cineas”: ensemble of 5 poetic voices and music which she directs.


She begins her piano studies as a child with private teachers and in 1985 in the Escuela Superior de Música “Carmen Romano” in Monterrey NL. Participates in various choirs, outstanding the IRBAO choir of the city of Orizaba, Ver. (1981-1983).
Studies composing with Professor Alberto Ubach. From 1991 to 1995, she performs as a soloist various piano concerts through the state of Baja California and teaches piano lessons and didactic concerts, privately as well as in the Casa de la Cultura of Tecate, BC.
In 1995 she performs concerts along with Professor Alberto Ubach’s presentation of the “guitarrina” (instrument invented by the Professor himself).

She has directed the music for several scenes and composed original music for:

2001 “The toy Factory” of Jesús González Dávila.
1996 “Caress” of Sergi Belbel.


2001-1999 She organizes the “Cultural and Arts Festival of Tecate, BC”.
2000 Outstands the “First Exhibition of Sculptures from Baja California”.
1999 She organizes the “First Children Theater Festival” in Ensenada, BC.
1999-1997 She develops the “Classic Guitar Cicles of Tecate, BC” – integrated by the region’s most outstanding guitar players-.
1995 She founds the “Children and Youth Orquestra of Tecate, BC”.

• To date, she organizes concerts, recitals, exhibitions and theater plays under her own space, better known as “The House of Laura and Manuel”.


Since 1993 to date, she is member of the “Plastic Arts Workshop” of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, directed by Professor Álvaro Blancarte and the assistance of Professor Salvador Magaña.
PERSONAL DEVELOPEMENT SEMINARY - Coordinación Binacional del Centro Cultural de Tijuana (2003)
ACTING AND VOICE TRAINING- Professor Soledad Luiz (2003)
SEMIÓTIC OF THEATER SCENERY – Professor Armando Partida Tayzán (2002)
VOICE AND RESOUNDING OBJETS- Dominique Montaigne y Henry Ogier
MUPPET MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP – Professor Carlos Converso (1999)
SEMIÓTICA DE LA PUESTA EN ESCENA II - Professor Armando Partida Tayzan (1999)
BODY EXPRESION WORKSHOP – Professor Antonio Esparza (1997)

DIPLOMA ON VISSUAL ARTS UABC (1999-1998) Professors:
Alberto Castro Leñero – Encaustic –Pía Seirsein – Paper Manufacturing –Kiyoto Ota O. –Wood Sculpture –Paul Nevin – Metal Sculpture–Antonio Nava – Stone Sculpture -
The Art of Living from Art Seminar – Felipe Ehrenberg
The Art of Perform Seminar – Felipe Ehrenberg
Residence of Professor Antonio Nava, Tecate, B.C. (2000)
PROPAVIS 2000 – Professional Artist Program – CEHU, FONCA and CECUT, Tijuana, BC
Professors: Carlos Zerpa – The Art of Assembly –Alberto Caro – The Community System Carmen Mariscal – Art Therapy –Felipe Ehrenberg – The Act of Memory: Editing and Publishing –Olga Margarita Dávila – Reflection, Criticism and History of the Visual Arts –Jerome Rothemberg – Text, Poetry and Scenic Presence –

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